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Role of Cybersecurity in an Organisation: Need & Benefits

Written by Mohamed El-Shayeb | January 2024

What is the Role of Cybersecurity in an Organisation?

Cybersecurity is a fundamentally important role in today’s business landscape. With the ever-increasing rise of cyber threats, protecting the availability, integrity and confidentiality of an organisations sensitive information and systems is paramount.

The role of cybersecurity in an organisation encompasses a broad range of practices, technologies and strategies aimed at protecting digital assets from unauthorised access, data breaches and various forms of cyber threats. Its primary goal is to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of critical information and systems. Without robust cybersecurity measures, businesses are vulnerable to cyberattacks that can lead to data theft, financial loss, reputational damage and operational disruptions.

The cyber threat landscape is continually evolving and becoming more sophisticated and diverse. Various threats, including malware, phishing attacks, ransomware and zero-day exploits continuously challenge organisational security measures. Hackers and cybercriminals exploit vulnerabilities in networks, applications and systems to gain unauthorised access or disrupt operations.

To counter these evolving threats, cybersecurity plays a crucial role by:

1.Implementing Robust Defence Mechanisms

Cybersecurity employs a multi-layered approach, integrating tools such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, encryption and antivirus software to create a strong defence against potential threats. These measures help detect and prevent unauthorised access or malicious activities.

2.Enhancing Incident Response and Recovery

Despite preventive measures, cyber incidents can occur. Cybersecurity involves establishing incident response plans and strategies to efficiently detect, respond to and recover from security breaches. Timely detection and swift response are essential in minimising the impact of an attack and restoring normal operations.

3.Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation

The proactive nature of cybersecurity involves continuous monitoring of networks, systems and software for potential vulnerabilities or anomalies. Regular updates, patches and security audits are essential to adapt to emerging threats and fortify an organisation's defences against new attacks.

4.Educating and Training Employees

Human error remains one of the significant vulnerabilities in cybersecurity. The benefits of training employees about cybersecurity best practices are crucial. It’s important business owners raise awareness about phishing attempts and foster a security-conscious culture within the organisation in order to minimise the possibility of a security breach.

The Evolving Cyber Threat Landscape

The cyber threat landscape is constantly evolving, presenting an ever-changing array of risks and challenges to individuals, businesses, governments and critical infrastructure worldwide. The constant increase of cyber threats highlights the importance of cybersecurity awareness and the need for cybersecurity awareness training for employees. Business owners need to understand what a cybersecurity threat is and ensure their teams are fully aware of the various forms these threats can take, the methods used by cyber criminals and the emerging trends that shape the cybersecurity landscape.

Most Popular Types of Cyber Threats 


Malware, a catch-all term for malicious software, includes viruses, worms, Trojans, ransomware, spyware and more. These programs aim to compromise systems, steal data, disrupt operations or extort money.


Phishing is a malicious tactic that manipulates individuals through deceptive emails, messages or websites, with the intention of tricking them into revealing sensitive information like passwords, financial details or personal data.


This form of malware encrypts files or systems, rendering them inaccessible until a ransom is paid. Ransomware attacks have become increasingly sophisticated and financially motivated.

4.Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs)

APTs are targeted, stealthy attacks by sophisticated cyber criminals, often nation-states or organised cybercriminal groups. They involve prolonged infiltration of networks to extract sensitive data or conduct espionage.

5.Supply Chain Attacks

Attackers compromise a less secure vendor or partner to gain access to the primary target's network or systems. This method has been used to infiltrate highly secure environments indirectly.

6.Zero-Day Exploits

These are vulnerabilities in software or systems that are previously unknown to the vendor. Criminals exploit these vulnerabilities before they are patched, giving them an edge in launching attacks.

7.IoT Vulnerabilities

Devices often lack security measures which allows opens a path for criminals to access networks and instigate potential DDoS attacks.

8.AI-Powered Cyber Threats

AI-driven threats automate assaults, adeptly circumvent detection and outsmart conventional security measures. AI-driven defence mechanisms are required to counteract these threats.

9.Cloud Security Risks

Improper set up of cloud environments can leave businesses vulnerable to data breaches and unauthorised access. Trusted partners and vendors are imperative to mitigate these risks.

10.Mobile Malware and Vulnerabilities

Mobile devices are increasingly being targeted due to their widespread use and access to highly sensitive information. Reputable security apps should be installed and regular operating system updates applied.

11.Insider Threats

Insider threats come from malicious or negligent threats inside the organisation. Strict access controls and employee monitoring can be used to mitigate where possible.

12.Tailgating or Piggybacking

Tailgating occurs when an unauthorised person gains physical access to a secure area, often via an unwitting employee not closing a door properly or quickly enough. Once inside, the authorised person has the potential to damage hardware, steal sensitive information or install malware on company networks. Piggy backing is similar but involves the consent of an inside actor. ID cards and facial recognition access are recommended to combat this type of threat.

The Core Functions of Cybersecurity

The core functions of cybersecurity can be outlined using the following areas: Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond and Recover often referred to as the cybersecurity framework developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

Here’s what each area covers and what functions are engage at each stage:

1. Identify

Purpose: Understanding assets, risks and vulnerabilities and establishing a foundation for effective cybersecurity.

Core Activities:

1.Asset Management: Identifying and managing all assets, including hardware, software, data and personnel.

2.Risk Assessment: Identifying, evaluating and prioritising potential risks and vulnerabilities.

3.Governance: Establishing cybersecurity policies, procedures and roles within the business.

2. Protect

Purpose: Implementing protective measures to safeguard the integrity and confidentiality of assets and systems.

Core Activities:

1.Access Control: Implementing measures to limit and control access to systems and data based on roles and permissions.

2.Data Security: Applying encryption, backups and other protective measures to safeguard sensitive information.

3.Security Awareness Training: Educating employees to recognise and mitigate cybersecurity threats.

3. Detect

Purpose: Identifying and detecting cybersecurity events or incidents promptly.

Core Activities:

1.Continuous Monitoring: Implementing systems to monitor networks, systems and data for potential security breaches or anomalies.

2.Intrusion Detection: Employing tools and technologies to detect unauthorised access, malware or unusual activities.

3.Anomaly Detection: Analysing patterns and behaviours to identify deviations from normal operations.

4. Respond

Purpose: Taking action to mitigate the impact of a cybersecurity incident.

Core Activities:

  1. Incident Response Planning: Establishing procedures and protocols to respond effectively to security incidents.
  2. Containment and Eradication: Isolating affected systems and removing threats to prevent further damage.
  3. Communication and Reporting: Notifying relevant stakeholders and authorities about the incident as per legal and regulatory requirements.

5. Recover

Purpose: Restoring systems, services and data to regular operations after a cybersecurity incident.

Core Activities:

  1. Backup and Recovery: Implementing backup solutions to restore data and systems in case of a breach or failure.
  2. Continuity Planning: Developing plans to maintain essential functions during and after a cybersecurity incident.
  3. Lessons Learned: Conducting post-incident analysis to learn from the incident and improve future responses.

Need advice? Speak to an expert today and discover the perfect cybersecurity solution tailored to your business's needs.

Importance of Cybersecurity Awareness

Cybersecurity awareness is crucial in an organisation to prevent fraud, data loss and other cyber threats. Creating a culture of cybersecurity awareness across the business allows for much great recognition and identification of threats before they become a problem.

Phishing Prevention Awareness

Phishing attacks trick individuals into divulging sensitive information through deceptive emails or messages and they remain a prevalent threat. Cybersecurity awareness programmes play a key role in educating employees and individuals about the various forms of phishing attempts. Training initiatives can teach individuals to recognise telltale signs of phishing, such as suspicious URLs, unexpected attachments or requests for sensitive information. Equipping staff with the knowledge to verify the authenticity of emails or messages helps in preventing successful phishing attempts and enhances the businesses overall cybersecurity stance.

Ransomware Security Awareness 

Ransomware poses a severe threat to organisations by encrypting files or systems, rendering them inaccessible until a ransom is paid. Creating awareness about ransomware and its potential impact is vital. Training and awareness programs can educate employees about the behaviours and actions that may inadvertently lead to ransomware attacks, such as clicking on suspicious links or downloading unverified files. By promoting a cautious approach to online activities and emphasising the importance of regular software updates and secure backups, organisations can mitigate the risk of falling victim to ransomware attacks.

Email Security Awareness 

Emails serve as a primary vector for cyber threats, including phishing, malware distribution and social engineering attacks. Security awareness initiatives focusing on email security are imperative in a modern business. These initiatives are designed to educate staff about the significance of strong authentication and how to identify and handle suspicious emails effectively. Teaching recipients to examine email addresses and email content for red flags and avoid clicking on unfamiliar links or attachments significantly enhances email security. Moreover, encouraging staff members to report suspicious emails promptly contributes to a proactive defence against potential threats.

Mobile Security Awareness

Mobile phones are an integral part of people’s daily lives and the risks of cybercrime via a mobile device are rapidly increasing. The widespread presence of mobile devices and the easy access they provide to highly sensitive data make them an easy target for cyber criminals. Many organisations allow staff to connect to corporate systems using either their own device or a company issued device and therefore, it’s vital that employees are aware of the risks of mobile cyber threats and how to mitigate them. Understanding the significance of strong passwords, multi-factor authentication, passwordless authentication, regular software updates and the dangers of downloading suspicious apps are essential components of mobile cybersecurity awareness. Moreover, being informed about the latest cybersecurity trends and employing best practices can empower users to make informed decisions, thereby reducing the likelihood of falling victim to cyber threats.

Cybersecurity Employee Awareness Training 

Cybersecurity employee awareness training is a vital tool in an organisation’s security toolkit. Educating teams and individuals to recognise and report any suspicious or unusual communications and requests is critical and enhances the overall security of a company.

Cybersecurity Awareness for Employees 

Employee cybersecurity awareness training aims to equip staff with the knowledge and skills necessary to identify and respond to various cyber threats effectively. These initiatives cover a wide array of topics, including recognising phishing attempts, understanding ransomware, practicing good password hygiene, identifying social engineering tactics and maintaining safe browsing habits. By raising employees' awareness about these threats and educating them on best practices, organisations can create a proactive line of defence against potential cyberattacks.

5 Benefits of Cybersecurity Training

There are several significant benefits that organisations can gain from cybersecurity awareness training.

1.First and foremost, such trainings play a crucial role in reducing the likelihood of successful cyberattacks. By empowering employees with the necessary knowledge and skills to detect and stop potential threats before they cause any harm, organisations can effectively fortify their defence against cyber threats.

2.Cybersecurity awareness trainings enhance the overall resilience of an organisation. By fostering a security-conscious culture, employees become more mindful of their actions and are less likely to make mistakes that could lead to breaches. This proactive approach to cybersecurity minimises human errors, which are often exploited by cybercriminals.

3.In addition to strengthening an organisation's security posture, well-trained employees also contribute to regulatory compliance. With a deep understanding of best practices and the ability to handle sensitive information securely, employees are better equipped to meet the requirements imposed by various regulations and standards.

4.Investing in employee cybersecurity training also has significant financial benefits. By reducing the risk of successful cyberattacks, organisations can avoid the costly consequences associated with data breaches, such as legal fees, financial penalties and potential lawsuits.

5.Moreover, by safeguarding sensitive information and maintaining a strong cybersecurity stance, organisations can protect their brand reputation, which is crucial in today's hyper-connected world.

In conclusion, cybersecurity awareness training not only reduces the likelihood of successful cyberattacks but also enhances an organisation's resilience, ensures regulatory compliance and mitigates financial and reputational damage. By prioritising employee training and fostering a culture of cybersecurity awareness, organisations can effectively defend against cyberthreats and protect their financial stability and uphold their brand image. Book a training with our specialists today.

Cybersecurity Awareness Tools

Various tools and resources aid in delivering effective cybersecurity awareness training. These tools encompass e-learning modules, simulated phishing exercises, interactive workshops, videos, newsletters and online quizzes. Simulated phishing campaigns, for instance, provide a hands-on experience for employees to recognise and respond to mock phishing emails, reinforcing their ability to identify and avoid real threats. Additionally, online platforms offering educational materials and updated resources on emerging cyber threats serve as valuable tools to keep employees informed and engaged.




1.How important is cybersecurity to an organisation?

Cybersecurity is a fundamental part of organisations, and it is unlikely that many businesses can operate for any length of time without considering implementing a robust cybersecurity solution. It shields the organisation from unauthorised access as well as safeguards customer information and business assets. Cybersecurity measures ensure uninterrupted business operations, preserve continuity and mitigate financial loss from potential cyber incidents. Beyond financial implications, cybersecurity plays a pivotal role in safeguarding brand reputation and customer trust, both of which are crucial elements for long-term success. Additionally, compliance with stringent data protection regulations necessitates robust cybersecurity practices. Continuously evolving to combat emerging threats, cybersecurity remains an essential investment, fortifying an organisation's defences and ensuring its viability, reputation and sustainability in an increasingly interconnected world.

2.What is the significance of cybersecurity awareness training for employees?

Cybersecurity awareness training for employees is immensely significant as it equips staff with the knowledge and skills to recognise, mitigate and respond effectively to cyber threats. With the right training, employees become part of the first line of defence for an organisation capable of identifying phishing attempts, understanding ransomware risks and adopting secure practices in password management and safe browsing habits. By fostering a security-conscious culture, this training minimises human errors that often lead to breaches, enhancing the organisation's overall resilience. It not only reduces the likelihood of successful cyberattacks but also contributes to regulatory compliance, safeguards sensitive data and mitigates the financial and reputational risks associated with security incidents, making it an indispensable investment for businesses.

3.How does email security awareness contribute to overall cybersecurity?

Email security awareness is a crucial part of cybersecurity awareness, and it is vital that all employees are up to date with their email security training. Email is the most popular channel used by cyber criminals to target organisations and educating staff about email security best practices such as identifying and avoiding phishing attempts and recognising suspicious attachments or links is paramount to ensure a robust defence of company data and assets. Strengthening email security awareness mitigates the potential for breaches, financial losses and reputational damage, thereby playing a pivotal role in an organisation's cybersecurity plan.